Quis autem velum iure reprehe nderit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit nulla or narjusto laoreet onse ctetur adipisci.
Quis autem velum iure reprehe nderit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit nulla or narjusto laoreet onse ctetur adipisci.
More than 70% of Kenya’s land area is arid or semi-arid and many of those living in these areas rely on livestock farming and in particular cattle. However, changes in climate and the resultant water shortages are making life much more difficult, particularly for cattle and this has a devastating impact on farmers. In contrast camels are much better suited to conditions in drought-hit areas. The project disseminates information on animal diseases and their treatment and also makes this data available to a web-based government-run disease monitoring system. These measures are an effective way of reducing the likelihood of epidemics.
Camels are well suited to harsh conditions as they can cope well with drought. Camels are less demanding than cattle when it comes to food and will even eat the leaves of the thorny acacia tree. Biovision is working to reintroduce camel husbandry and training people in the basic principles of livestock farming and the marketing of animal products. It is disseminating relevant information on animal diseases and how to prevent and treat them. After being adapted to suit local conditions, camel husbandry provides local people with sustainable opportunities for income generation; it also improves food security and at the same protects the sensitive ecosystem.
5,575 people, of whom 1500 are women, are benefiting directly from the activities of the project in Isiolo County: This is made up of 5,000 livestock farmers, 135 traders in camel milk, 405 recipients of camels and 35 government employees from the veterinary medicine service. A further 56,000 members of the region’s nomadic communities are benefiting indirectly. They have been given valuable information on camel husbandry and the local marketing of camel milk.